External CatDisplay for the YAESU FT817 by ZL1CVD

note: Older versions YAESU FT817 have different values of the resistor to the ACC connector for the +12V output.
10R is ok, older versions have 75R inside, so the ext. Display didn't work.
Replace the resistor R1235 with an10R size 0504 (main unit backside close to the ACC connector)

YAESU FT817 controlled via bluetooth

Connect bluetooth adapter (~10,00€) to the ACC connector

for example: Install software YO3GGX Pocket RXTX Pro (for ANDROID users ->PLAYSTORE)

Here you can find a version from Wolfgang OE8WOZ



YAESU FT 817 for transverter operation


To switch Kuhne-electronic transverters to transmitt +12V via the IF cable is needed.

here is a solution for the YAESU FT817

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